Posted in Krystal Sutherland, Reading, Review

My Favourite Reads Under 300 Pages

I think it’s a little early in the year to start talking about reading goals and short books you can read to catch up on your Goodreads challenge, but I’m going for it anyway. Here is an incomplete list of some of my favourite reads that hover in the 250-300 page count region, and some of the reasons why they should be your favourites, too. Let’s begin!

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Posted in Review

Icarus by K. Ancrum | REVIEW

Icarus Gallagher is a thief. He steals priceless art and replaces it with his father’s forgeries. For years, Mr. Black has been their target, revenge for his role in the death of Icarus’s mother. Icarus adheres to his own strict rules to keep their secret, and keep people at bay: Don’t let anyone close. Don’t let anyone touch you. And, above all, don’t get caught. Until one night, he does. Not by Mr. Black, but by his mysterious son, Helios, now living under house arrest in the Black mansion. Instead of turning Icarus in, Helios bargains for a friendship that breaks every one of Icarus’s rules. As reluctance and distrust become closeness and something more, they uncover the bars of the gilded cage that has trapped both of their families for years. Icarus is determined to escape, but his father’s thirst for revenge shows no sign of fading, and soon it may force Icarus to choose the escape he’s dreamed of, or the boy he’s come to love.

K. Ancrum is someone who I always describe as a ‘once in a lifetime’ kind of author, and the release of Icarus continues to prove it.

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